If you would like to join us for our next round please fill out the application form to get on the waiting list for next year and be notified immediately to be at the early bird window for enrollment.










Want an in-depth, highly skilled facilitation training to traverse & deep nuanced places in clients?
One that creates deep internal confidence, profound results & guaranteed client satisfaction?
One that makes you know without a doubt you are THE BEST COACH in your niche?

This intensive training will teach you to skillfully read your clients energy fields, resolve patterns caused by trauma, & become masterful at somatic, energetic, emotional, & psychological techniques with grace & unquestionable confidence (without clinical dogma or sterile rigidity)

"Speaking as a graduate of Phoenix Path, it changed the game with everything in my business and LIFE. Anyone who sleeps on this training is UNWISE.
I invested $114k into energy work trainings, mystery schools, meditation teachers & nervous system trainings AND THIS was the best of them all - and it's a stupid bargain."

-Rachel Bell
6+7 Figure Business Mentor
Leadership + Biz Mentor for Coaches - $7.8M founder

Imagine If...

...you knew how to CONFIDENTLY GO THERE with clients without walking on eggshells & no longer living with the fear of causing harm or being unethical in your containers.
(bye bye imposter syndrome!)

…you always felt equip to gracefully navigate anything that came up in your client's emotional process independent of past trauma, charged topics, or draining dynamics.

...you were able to facilitate somatic work better than 80 percent of the people who teach it WITHOUT having to be clinical, sterile, and restricted.

…you knew that every single client you had would walk away from your containers RAVING about their experiences & results from working with you.

…you knew how to hold deeper space & have leadership that is unshakable, with NO over giving, NO overworking, NO firefighting & still be in total integrity.

...you could promise PREDICTABLE RESULTS not just results here & there, but a promised transformation on deep levels that guarantee your clients results.



...you were prepared to handle the trauma-related challenges that inevitably come with coaching clients and students.

...You no longer had to rely solely on personal experience, & had SOLID frameworks to work with anyone who came to you effectively even if they have a completely different background, culture, nervous system, & psychological make up than you.

...you could keep your own nervous system regulated with your business and in client work so you don't experience burnout. (and heal it if you already have it)

...you had on-demand mentorship & guidance through this training for whenever you feel “stuck” in your training,  with a client, or in your own personal process - so you never had to feel alone, confused, or like you "weren't getting it".

The Phoenix Path is your blueprint to achieve all of this and more.


Through joining the Phoenix Path I learned more useful, applicable information & tools to create real transformation than I was ever taught in my undergraduate BS Psychology university program.

-Jeily Nazario, Founder @ Kardia

What our alumni are saying...

 "The Phoenix Path has been such a life-changing experience... It solidified my confidence as a practitioner & as a human being. I have so much capacity to hold space and be in someone's experience across different emotions and spectrums now. I found my discernment & balance with my process & continuing to show up for clients, responsibilities, and life in a whole different way.”

- Karenna Soto, Self Love & Relationship Coach

The Phoenix path has given me tools that I lean on in every single session now with the work that I do, that really allow me to open to what's possible for the client. It's going to give you such a powerful lens for seeing yourself and others, and being able to show up in the way that you want to.

essica sets a beautiful standard for how coaches need to be showing up for their clients, in a way that's safe and facilitates actual transformation.

- Johanna, Marketing & Self Development Coach

This program gave me even more depth of confidence as I take people into their deep emotions and their trauma. I know that any person that can come into my space, I know how to work with their system and give them the kind of support that will be the most effective and the most helpful for them.

Jess is amazing. She is hands down the most compassionate teacher that I have ever worked with. She is so emotionally attuned to every single person's system.

- Hannah Diendorfer, Sex, Intimacy and Relationship Coach

"(The Phoenix Path) changed my life... I'm able to hold more space for more people now, with a lot less effort and a lot less burnout from it.

My embodiment of is to the point that most of my clients are coming from referral because I'm just so much more grounded in what I do.

I used to be so burnt out. My cup is so full now. My work-life & my relationship to my business has been so much healthier.

-Stacia Ashe, Business & Self Development Coach

"The amount of tools that I walked away with from Phoenix Path for myself and for my clients is huge, and showing up for myself in this program only expedited the results."

It's so rewarding. I can guarantee that like taking the plunge, joining Phoenix Path, you're going to come out of it with a skill set that's profound and that really empowers you to meet clients where they are and really have a transformative experience through and through.

-Alex Scott, Narcissistic Abuse Healing & Relationship Coach

"This was one of the most transformative experiences of my life... My favorite thing is how Jessica teaches from an embodiment experience.

It helped me learn at an immense level of depth in a short period of time. This course really taught me how to  harness my own power.

Jessica has depth like no other... she reflects your light back to you, she sees in your capability and she will guide you in the best way that works for you."

-Brianne Pellini, Self Love Coach



"The Phoenix Path has been such a life-changing experience. For my relationships, for my coaching practice, and for my loved ones.

It has solidified my confidence as a practitioner and as a human being. It has deeply changed and transformed so much for me."

-Karenna Soto, Relationship & Self Love Coach

The Phoenix Path Coaching Institute is an intensive training school teaching the principles & practices that create embodied, matured & highly effective transformational practitioners.

From this curriculum you will be given tools to help create lasting & sustainable success with your clients with tools that honor their system, stages of development, and work with their nervous system & internal world with safety & agility.

This is for the person who wants to build a reputation not just because you can market well, but because your work and client results speak for themselves. To be someone who stands out not just because you can make fancy social media posts but because your cultivation is self-evident in the results you get with your people.

After 14 years of being a student, practitioner, and mentor of many forms of emotional resolution work I can tell you that the most important thing in becoming a successful coach, guide, and mentor is creating real, lasting change in the lives of those you work with. It’s from being in the mastery of your craft and having the skill sets which allow you to work with any human being and help them to really transform their own inner world.

This is a collection of the powerful, foundational, fundamental and trauma informed tools when it comes to getting to the core of what is holding others back, moving into the depths you may have previously been afraid to go to with clients, and with practice, knowing how to masterfully facilitate transformation in 1 on 1 & group containers.


"The Phoenix Path has given me tools that I lean on in every single session & allow me to open to what's possible for the client.

My sessions now come from a place of endless ability to hold because it's not about me, it just happens to be through me."

-Johannah, Attachment Repair & Relationships Coach

Is This You?

  • You have some experience with coaching, healing, or mentoring (mostly based on personal experience, remixing stuff from other peoples programs)

  • ​You’re an expert at what you do, but are feeling burnt out, less inspired, & just genuinely needing more tools that don’t just rely on you to do it all.

  • You know that you can only bring someone as deep as you have gone yourself - and you want to go deeper to create more change.

  • ​You want to know how to gracefully navigate ANY emotion or process that comes up in your containers & nail their transformations in your leadership.

  • ​You secretly know there is a much deeper place you can go with your people, you can see it, taste it, smell it - but you don’t know how to get there.

  • ​You want a training that integrates the soul into deep transformation work where trauma comes up, one that’s deeply HUMAN - not just a clinical information dump.


If the statements above describe you the Phoenix Path trainings are your blueprint to getting these met.



"The biggest shift for me & my practice is having even more confidence to go deeper & deeper with my clients. This program gave me even more of a depth of confidence as I take people into their deep emotions & their trauma."

- Hannah Diendorfer "The Libido Fairy"
Sex, Intimacy, & Relationships coach

Through the Phoenix Path Training you will learn to

  • Coach & guide anyone - independent of background - with confidence, depth & capacity to meet whatever shows up.
  • Experience in-person training as well as online training & a lot of skill building with an amazing group of dedicated peers.
  • Hold impeccable space and know how to create breakthrough's in places where people are stuck, and help them sustain them.
  • Use somatic & subconscious reprogramming & resolution methods to help others change resolve their internal issues.
  • Feel confident navigating spaces where trauma, triggers, and big emotional challenges come up gracefully in a safe way.
  • Address inter-generational, emotional, societal, sexual, and childhood challenges & integrate them into the present moment.
  • Learn all of this while learning to give AND receive this kind of transformational work along the way.
  • Gain a multifaceted toolkit for coaching work from somatic trauma resolution techniques to subconscious reprogramming and meditation techniques, safe emotional release techniques, developmental psychology and more.


I can GUARANTEE that taking the plunge, joining Phoenix Path, you're going to come out with a skill set that's profound & that really empowers you to meet clients where they are and really have a transformative experience through and through"

-Alex Scott, Healing Narcissistic Abuse Coach

This Training Has 2 Phases -

One for foundations & one for depth & mastery.



Level 1 - The Somatic Foundation

Level 1 is all about creating lasting, actual, grounded, centered regulation - for yourself in a session and for a client or group.

It is a training to become a hawk at somatic tracking & the psychic space of the container, and be able to read the energetic nervous system signatures of each person in your sessions or groups & know exactly what they need in your approach to them.

It also is a trauma informed training to trauma inform your business in a way that stll allows you to BE YOU.



STARTS: August 13th 2024
LENGTH: 1.5 months
PRICE: $1200
*free if bundled w Level2*

  • Multiple training calls a month
    (4x/ month live and multiple prerecorded)

  • 1 live practice call/week

  • Personal practice groups

  • Slack support with client case studies, personal process questions, and professional process questions.

What you will learn:

  • Integral trauma informed space holding

  • The beginnings of of how to track, map, & tune into the somatic's, emotional, energetic, & mental body of yourself & 1:1 clients
    ***(groups and advanced tracking is in Level 2)

  • How to catalyze regulation & how to modulate the techniques you use to bring someone to stable center based on who you are working with.

  • How to regulate yourself in sessions, while teaching, and in your personal life

  • How to intake clients to target their underlying trauma & blocks before you even meet them

  • Basics of professional etiquette, boundaries, awareness in a client/practitioner dynamics - including creating safety without limiting your expression
  • The baseline understanding of nervous systems and psychological defense systems that are not like yours - and getting to know your own better

  • The starter keys to regulation in own nervous system & attachment systems

Coaching skills informed by:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Depth Somatic Psychology
  • Nervous System Work
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Cultural, Genetic, Societal, & soul levels of development & psychology
  • The psychology of trauma, triggers, & emotional intelligence
  • Meditation Techniques Breathwork & Energetics
  • Neuroscience

"This isn't just a theory-based course —The Phoenix Path is integrated through every level of your being: emotional, physical, & mental.

It makes transitioning into supporting clients with these tools seamless because you really have delved deep within the container."

-Johanna Adriaansen, Attachment Repair Coach
Phoenix Path Alumni

Level II - Advanced Facilitation & Leadership

This is where you learn to really GO THERE - wherever "there" is for you and your clients. Building on the foundational skills developed in the first phase, the Advanced Work in Level 2 of the Phoenix Path Coaching Institute offers a deeper exploration and specialization in advanced coaching & transformational techniques.

This phase is tailored for coaches ready to go DEEP into their own transformation and to expand their expertise in intuitive skills, trauma resolution, somatic hypnotherapy, and really GO THERE in a way you haven't been able to before



STARTS: Sept 30th, 2024
LENGTH: 4.5 months
PRICE: $10k L1&2 training
(payment plans available when you apply)

  • 2 Hour training call/week (live and prerecorded)
  • 1 practice call/week
  • Personal practice groups
  • Beginning and Ending in person retreat training with Jess in Boulder, CO (virtual attendance set up available)

What you will learn:

  • Over 150 hours of training, a 200 page workbook, and 88 hours of overseen practice time to master the techniques - this is a training in mastery of somatic, energetic, and emotional healing & transformation tools.

  • Master how to resolve traumatic imprints from the source when it comes up in clients and become a certified somatic trauma resolution practitioner who is trusted and confident to GO DEEP int the most POWERFUL and also effective ways.

  • Multiple modalities from: Energetic Mapping and Tracking, Advanced Somatic Trauma Resolution, CBT, Somatic Rewiring, Subconscious reprogramming, Emotional De-repression, Power Dynamics, Assertiveness training, Boundary Reclamation, Hypnosis, IFS//Part//Sub-personality work, and NLP

  • Become a master at somatic tracking, reading the energetic & emotional body, reading unconscious responses, and knowing how to shapeshift IN THE MOMENT to change someones state, go deeper into a session, and meet different psychological systems in an effective way to create change.
  • How to get into effective and deep emotional de-repression so that trauma imprints leave the body FOR GOOD

  • How to read clients  psychological defense systems so you can meet them where they to be met to cultivate trust.

  • How to plan and create the entire arch of client and student experiences along with frames works, sessions strategies, and techniques specialized to how their system works.
  • Plug & Play frameworks for every single kind of nervous system & defense system state to refer to.

  • Entire program blueprints & homework to use with yourself, clients, in courses, and groups.
  • Advanced Professional , boundaries, awareness in a client/practitioner dynamics - including creating safety without limiting your expression, and navigating power dynamics.
  • The total understanding of nervous systems and psychological defense systems that are not like yours - and how to work with them, meet them, and get through to them so that you can create the most impactful sessions with your clients.

  • Mastery over your own nervous system & attachment systems - and how to create this is clients and students

  • How to create a culture of self responsibility, emotional maturity, and client and student centered containers without codependency or getting burned out

  • Navigating and effectively leading group dynamics - from challenging students, to how your own emotional wounds attract client and student dynamics (and how to solve this), to effective, intimate, and mature leadership.

  • Working with students with different cultures, upbringings, backgrounds, and life experiences than you in a way that feels so real and so good!

  • Effective embodied teaching - not from the head but from EMBODIED TRANSMISSION.
  • ...not to mention your entire life will change because you'll be resolving all of your own blocks, challenges, and healing your own trauma charges and  entanglements through the course. ;)

Advanced Practitioner Skill Set Development

  • Intuitive skills development in the context of healing
  • Somatic Hypnotherapy
  • Trauma Resolution 
  • Neuroscience
  • NLP techniques for emotional healing & identity shifts
  • Advanced subconscious reprogramming techniques & energetics
  • Core belief work
  • Boundaries Work
  • Attachment System healing
  • Gestalt work
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therpay
  • Advanced energetic & somatic mapping
  • Hypnosis Regression work
  • Advanced emotional de-repression
  • Masculine/Feminine energetics and embodiment frameworks

Bundle Level 1+2 For the Full Mastery Experience (and Save $1200)

For those planning to undertake the complete training journey, we offer a discount pay in full option to enroll in both phases together.

For Level 2 of the Phoenix Path Institute, completing Level 1 Foundations is a prerequisite. This ensures all participants have the necessary foundational skills before advancing to more complex techniques.

This bundled enrollment not only saves money but also provides a massive amount more training to maximizing the depth and application of your coaching skills.

THERE IS NO PROMISE I WILL RUN THIS FULL TRAINING AGAIN - if you are on the fence about one or the other - I'd suggest diving in head first into the full training.

This was one of the most transformative experiences of my life...

My favorite thing is how Jessica teaches from an embodiment experience It helped me learn at an immense level of depth in a short period of time. This course really taught me how to  harness my own power.

- Brianne, Personal Trainer and Trauma Resolution Coach




• Calls will be scheduled:

Tuesdays (Training call)
EVERYONE: 12pm-2pm MT

Thursdays (Practice + Q&A)
COHORT ONE: 12pm-2pm MT

• Any extra Q&A sessions will be scheduled as needed by the class and will be optional to attend, and recordings will be sent.



SOFT START: July 30th - Self Lead practices from the portal

August 13th

FOUNDATIONS TRAINING: Aug 13th - Sept 19th


RETREAT 1 in Boulder, CO:  Sept 30th-October 3rd

ADVANCED TRAINING: October 8th - Feb 27th

(there will be a 2 week break at some point in this time window which will be announced depending on the students energy)

RETREAT 2 in ATX: Feb 24th- 27th

• Once you have been accepted and integrated into the course you will be able to contact and arrange with other students for carpool or shared hotels // airbnb's.

• PAYMENT PLANS available and there is a PAID IN FULL discount when you apply

What our students say about their
breakthroughs in the Phoenix Path Training:



This is for you if

  • You Want Intensive Trauma-Informed Training to dive deep with a seasoned coach known for successful, integrity-driven practices.
  • You Want to Boost Your Confidence & stop doubting and start leading with certainty in all aspects of your coaching career.
  • You want to be a master of deep transformations & go beyond surface fixes to create lasting change at the subconscious cellular level.
  • You want to transform you own self to hold higher level leadership and learn from the trenches, not just the textbooks, to genuinely understand trauma.
  • You want to be able to handle the Heavy Stuff with a Light Touch & gain the skills to confidently navigate your clients' most intense emotions and stories.
  • You want to connect and grow in a life changing way & Join a community of driven practitioners committed to personal and collective evolution.

This is not for you if...

  • You're just looking for a certification without going through an intensive training.
  • You are seeking a training to work with extreme cases of trauma, PTSD, and shock. (this is not a training for extreme cases)
  • You have a history of intense phases of bipolar, borderline, or antisocial personality diagnoses and have not done therapeutic work in a 1:1 container
    (Level 1 may be fine for this, Level 2 is not)
  • You have never done any self development work & emotional process work (Level 1 is fine for this, Level 2 is harder for this)
  • You are seeking a trauma informed lens that goes with mainstream clinical perspectives that solely come from western academia.
  • You just want the title of being trauma informed or trauma trained - but are not willing to go into your own process or do your own mastery work.
  • You're not willing to show up to practice sessions, get vulnerable, and meet your edges.

The best practitioners are the ones who go to the depths of their own process. This is how all master healers, therapists, & mentors are trained.

Through these courses you will be both client AND practitioner and work just as much on working through your own blocks and limitations as you will facilitating others.

Meet Your Teacher

I’m a leadership mentor & personal advisor for women in the coaching industry, start-up founders, & corporate leaders + executives. I have taught high level somatic & subconscious trauma resolution, rewiring, & energetic cultivation to coaches, leaders, medicine practitioners and therapists for the past 14 years.
I have worked with leaders on every level of this industry behind the scenes where their life of being in the spotlight meets their personal challenges & aid in transmuting those challenges into phases of rebirth, resurrection, and momentum.

My work is rooted in heart-led self-knowledge, meeting Truth as it is, awakening & rekindling the Soul’s fire, and resurrecting & connecting dormant, blocked, unseen & undernourished aspects of the Self into wholeness. The realms of emotional + ancestral healing, energetic awakening & mapping, illuminating hidden patterns, sexual embodiment, tenderness in harmony with ferocity, and Power reclamation + cultivation are all my domains.
My background is in multiple forms of subconscious reprogramming & somatic healing, trauma resolution, western esoteric meditation & inner alchemy, hypnotherapy, relationship dynamics, attachment theory, the esoteric energetics of Chinese medicine theory, state change practices, breathwork, nonviolent communication, anger therapies, sexual de-repression. I also have multiple years training with indigenous elders to facilitate entheogenic ritual. These lineages include Mayan, Lakota, Shipibo, and Quechua.
My facilitation style works to find the source of energetic, emotional, and somatic issues based on each individual's unique design, lifestyle, career and relationships. We then create new ways of being, working, engaging & relating to self, the world, & others, allowing for an optimal life & Soul congruence.
To me, this is not a spectator sport, I have had to go to the depths of my own pain, challenges, and blocks to rebuild myself into the woman that I am today. And that is what makes an amazing facilitator, that is why I love teaching others to facilitate as well.

  •  I have trained over 1,100 students in healing techniques, subconscious reprogramming, trauma resolution, and energetic ritual work.
  •  I have worked behind the scenes with C-Suite executives, multi 6 & 7 figure entrepreneurs, 6-7 figure scaling teams, and many well known coaches who have walking through the fires of been canceled, burnout, and business pivoting and rebirthing.
  •  I’ve had multiple therapists and somatic healers tell me the way that I teach surpasses what they have learned in University, and from well renowned schools and training
    I live in Boulder CO and love sensuality, meditation, writing, dancing, metal shows, studying hermeticism, snowboarding, and prayer invocation work.
    Looking forward to meeting you in the Light & Depths ;) Xx Jess




What our alumni are saying...

 "The Phoenix Path has been such a life-changing experience... It solidified my confidence as a practitioner & as a human being. I have so much capacity to hold space and be in someone's experience across different emotions and spectrums now. I found my discernment & balance with my process & continuing to show up for clients, responsibilities, and life in a whole different way.”
- Karenna Soto, Self Love & Relationship Coach
The Phoenix path has given me tools that I lean on in every single session now with the work that I do, that really allow me to open to what's possible for the client. It's going to give you such a powerful lens for seeing yourself and others, and being able to show up in the way that you want to.

essica sets a beautiful standard for how coaches need to be showing up for their clients, in a way that's safe and facilitates actual transformation.
- Johanna, Marketing & Self Development Coach
This program gave me even more depth of confidence as I take people into their deep emotions and their trauma. I know that any person that can come into my space, I know how to work with their system and give them the kind of support that will be the most effective and the most helpful for them.
Jess is amazing. She is hands down the most compassionate teacher that I have ever worked with. She is so emotionally attuned to every single person's system.
- Hannah Diendorfer, Sex, Intimacy and Relationship Coach
"(The Phoenix Path) changed my life... I'm able to hold more space for more people now, with a lot less effort and a lot less burnout from it.
My embodiment of is to the point that most of my clients are coming from referral because I'm just so much more grounded in what I do.
I used to be so burnt out. My cup is so full now. My work-life & my relationship to my business has been so much healthier.
-Stacia Ashe, Business & Self Development Coach
"The amount of tools that I walked away with from Phoenix Path for myself and for my clients is huge, and showing up for myself in this program only expedited the results."

It's so rewarding. I can guarantee that like taking the plunge, joining Phoenix Path, you're going to come out of it with a skill set that's profound and that really empowers you to meet clients where they are and really have a transformative experience through and through.
-Alex Scott, Narcissistic Abuse Healing & Relationship Coach
"This was one of the most transformative experiences of my life... My favorite thing is how Jessica teaches from an embodiment experience.
It helped me learn at an immense level of depth in a short period of time. This course really taught me how to  harness my own power.
Jessica has depth like no other... she reflects your light back to you, she sees in your capability and she will guide you in the best way that works for you."
-Brianne Pellini, Self Love Coach