A home-study mastery course for identifying, clarifying, committing, to and owning your boundaries & sovereignty.

Does this sound familiar?

"Am I doing this for me, or for them?"

Not being sure if you're doing something because YOU want to do it or because someone else thinks its a good idea and says you "should"

The Guilt Hangover 

Feeling terrible after creating a boundary, questioning yourself, and feeling like you're a bad person for sticking up for yourself.

Feeling unheard or unseen

You've dropped the hints, and repeated yourself over and over again, they SHOULD get the point. And yet, the same challenges keep repeating.

Burnt out High Achiever

You're super independent, you feel like you can do everything on your own. But you're also getting anxiety, burnt out, resentful, and starting to question if your work = your worth or if there is another way to go...

But They Count on Me!

All eyes on you babe, you're the one who solves everyone problems, heals their woes, and can deeply hold space an relate... to the point of not having any time for yourself to recharge.

My Work is my WHOLE LIFE

Obsessed with work, how you preform, and starting to notice your relationships failing, and starting to feel like you need to understand the balance of passion and play.

What if you could...

  • Feel confident in your ability to set clear boundaries for yourself and others
  • Navigate the boundaries conversation without guilt
  • Live without self sacrifice, over extending yourself, and burning out
  • Show up for yourself, delegate, communicate clearly, and be respected.
  • Stop believing your worth is in how much you give to others
  • Start knowing your true worth comes from how you treat yourself
  • Always know how to meet your needs
  • Stop getting drained by others pulling on your energy
  • Commit to yourself fully

As a high-achiever you understand...

Balancing life and work, showing up and taking care of those you serve is a full time job. You also know how important it is for you to come from a full cup, and just how hard it is to do that when you are under resourced and in the dark about how to navigate personal and professional space clearly.

That's why this program has been created.

So that you understand where you are limiting yourself, and how to free yourself from rejuvenation, discernment, and clarity daily.

My clients have made leaps and bounds using the content in this program...

I run a multi 7 figure business that I bootstrapped from the ground up with my partner, and ended up burnt out and running from a past of abuse, abandonment, and neglect from my childhood. I was also the savior of my family and that translated in to my business in a way where we had a lot of challenges with our employees. I ended up with chronic pain that left me debilitated and unaware of how to proceed forward. From working with Jess my pain has been 90 percent better, and my ability to have communication, discernment, boundaries, and immense self respect has grown more then words can say. Working with Jess changed my life and connected my body, my words, and my mind to my soul.


As a business coach and a hardworking fake it to you make it kind of woman, boundaries literally never existed in my world until I started working with Jess. The codependent behaviors I had with my family and friends was shocking to discover while also being in my face for years, many things that were imbalanced in my life quickly became obvious after this work. I would escape into my business, ignore my body, and smoke and drink to numb out my emotions all which were telling me to PAY ATTENTION to my unmet needs. This work has changed my life and will live with me forever!


I started working with jess for relationship issues. I was "rigid" in my boundaries, which i didn't really know about until she told me. I just knew something was off. I am very independent and I see that as a strength, but I would also bottle things up and then explode when someone wasn't meeting my needs. I realized through boundaries work I actually wasn't able to express my needs because I was never shown how to. Through my own awareness of how my body would respond when  I need to speak up, I started to realize where i was capping my own self from the connection and love that I wanted but was unsure how to have. The strength to be vulnerable and honest is something I'm very grateful to learn about and now practice with those who are lucky enough to get close to me ;)


My main issue was being able to create boundaries with clients. I am a natural healer, have been my whole life. And always in service to others. but when I started scaling my business I started getting panic attacks and huge emotional drains without understanding why. I realized I was taking on way more energy then I had before at a very accelerated speed. I didn't know how to delegate or say no. And my sessions started suffering. After working with Jess all of that changed and I am the most productive, resourced, and successful in my practice then I have ever been.


Here's Exactly What Comes In the Embodied Boundaries Course

  • 10 In Depth Video Trainings 
  • Guided Meditations & Self Hypnosis for supporting you through the process
  • A powerful practice for energetic fortification, discernment, centering, and will power cultivation
  • PDF & Journal Assignments to get clear on what boundaries you need to make, how to make them, and how to keep them
  • 11 years of study packed into a "go at your own pace" curriculum
  • Video responses to your personal boundaries questions that come up through the course

Why Go One More Day Without Healthy Boundaries?


The Program Covers Things Like:

• What a Boundary is and how it works, and how to become an energetic master of boundaries.


• Working with leaky & rigid boundaries and shadow archetypes.


•  The difference between a boundary, a request, and a wall.

• Facing and confronting subconscious beliefs and fears, anxieties, and confusion about creating and sticking to boundaries.

• How to navigate hard conversations and clarify boundaries, delegation, and needs.

• Learning how to decipher when your emotional system and your body is out of alignment with your choices, and how to bring it back into balance

  • How to create Personal & Relational Boundaries.

  • How to have boundaries as a higher achiever, entrepreneur, healing practitioner & service provider, and corporate badass.

  • Dealing with Guilt hangovers after asking for what you want.

  • Activating your voice and aligning it with you will in order to create a world that responds to you instead of takes from you.

    • How to balance personal needs, work needs, relationship needs, family needs, and self care.

• The energetic cultivation of worth, your voice, your discernment, and your will.


• A sneak peak into my CENTER course for emotional intelligence and healing.

You'll walk away knowing exactly how to:

  • Become someone that you and others have no choice but to respect
  • Create healthy boundaries in every area of your life and STICK to them
  • Cultivate your will center to know the difference between what you feel and want and what others feel and want you to do 
  • Discernment with how to use your time and energy effectivly without sabatouging your life.

• Activate your voice, and command the reality you want to create with you as the center and most important part of it.

•  Avoid burnout by knowing when and how to take care of yourself.

• How to stop being a people pleaser and start have solid, clear, and grounded self respect

• Stop trading your work your time for your worth, and start cultivating real self value and self essteme

When your desires align with your boundaries you find freedom.


Your Investment


Pay In Full


Top features

  • 10 In Depth Video Trainings 
  • Guided Meditations & Self Hypnosis for supporting you through the process
  • A powerful practice for energetic fortification, discernment, centering, and will power cultivation
  • PDF & Journal Assignments to get clear on what boundaries you need to make, how to make them, and how to keep them
  • 11 years of study packed into a "go at your own pace" curriculum

2 Monthly Payments


Top features

  • 10 In Depth Video Trainings 
  • Guided Meditations & Self Hypnosis for supporting you through the process
  • A powerful practice for energetic fortification, discernment, centering, and will power cultivation
  • PDF & Journal Assignments to get clear on what boundaries you need to make, how to make them, and how to keep them
  • 11 years of study packed into a "go at your own pace" curriculum

Why should you be learning from me?

A good question that is important to ask when getting online courses!

I have been studying, facilitating, and teaching subconscious reprogramming, self development work, energetic cultivation, meditation, conscious confrontation and communication, coaching, and trauma healing work, NLP, NVC, and many more techniques for 11 years.

As a healer and naturally empathic person self worth and boundary work is something I have had to work hard to master to make my sensitivity and healing abilities my utmost strength. 

Boundaries work is something I do with all of my 1 on 1 clients and something I have had to learn experience and avidly practice myself, from intimate relationships, to being psychologically manipulated and abused when I was younger. So not only is this something I know HOW to teach is it something I personally have had to master myself.


it's one of my favorite things to teach, and something that can make big changes quickly in personal life, professional life, and in relationships.
